Welcome to the promotional claim site for PRN® Pharmacal.
Please click on the product page associated with its current promotion to read more about submission information.
Thank you for supporting PRN® Pharmacal and our products. To learn more about other products we offer that may not be on promotion at this time, visit prnpharmacal.com.

Additional Terms and Conditions:
These promotion is restricted to veterinary practices where the veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) exists as defined by the AVMA’s Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics. Other veterinary accounts such as shelters, animal care/control agencies and veterinary partner pharmacies, may be eligible on a case-by-case basis. Accounts with direct-to-consumer sales via internet website, catalog or other over-the-counter channels are ineligible. Qualifying orders must be on a single invoice.
PRN Pharmacal reserves the right to modify or withdraw these promotion at any time.
KBroVet®-CA1 & Sē●Qual™ Firocoxib Tablets for Horses is a trademark of Pegasus Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
©2024 PRN Pharmacal, Inc.